





What is the difference between original parts and original and auxiliary parts in the repair circle? I understand after reading

Car owners can imagine a scene like this when driving to the 4S store for maintenance. The service consultant will tell us: "All the parts used in our store are original parts. There will never be any sub-factory parts or disassembled parts. Please rest assured."
For most car owners, of course, they think that the original parts must be the best and most suitable parts for the original car. The main reason is that they do not understand the difference between them, so they naturally choose the most conservative option out of conservative estimation.
What is the difference between original parts, original parts, auxiliary parts and brand parts?
What is the difference in price?
How should owners choose?
Today, Taige will talk about the most confusing term "factory parts" in the auto repair industry.
The so-called "original parts" are also labeled
The so-called original parts and auxiliary parts are often asked by the maintenance workers when they repair and maintain the car, how much is the original part and how much cheaper is the auxiliary part. In Xiaobai's mind, the car must be produced by his own from beginning to end, but in fact, the main engine factory does not do so. What is the difference between the main factory and the auxiliary factory?
Certified accessory supplier=original parts
Channel: OEM → OEM → 4S shop → auto parts market
Before building the car, the main engine factory will choose or order parts according to the parts merchants on hand, and then put all the parts together to make a car, and then conduct various tests to find the problem. When the problem is almost solved, the new car will be built.
These parts suppliers who directly supply the main engine factory are allowed to label the parts with the vehicle brand, which is the original parts. This is the same as buying a computer. Although the chips are written by Dell and HP, they are actually all E versions of Intel AMD. In fact, they are just a brand for a shell.
Parts supplier whose certification fails=original parts
Channel: OEM → auto parts market
If a model of a car has been changed, and the sheet metal parts and everything need to be changed, the parts manufacturer can't go to the new production line; Or if there is something wrong with the products produced by the accessory manufacturer and the main engine factory finds out that it has written down a small book, it is easy to be "terminated". The biggest difference is that accessories can still be produced, but they can't be labeled with brand certification. They can only be labeled with their own brand, which is called genuine parts.
Pirate product=accessory
Channel: small workshop → imitation of original vehicle parts → auto parts market
In fact, the concept of accessory parts is mainly based on the difference between a mold opening qualification and manufacturing process. There is a huge gap between the general accessory parts and the above two parts manufacturers in terms of material and workmanship. This is because there is no specification standard of the main machine factory or the production standard of the original factory's original parts for the auxiliary parts. You can only make the mold by yourself or do some friend transactions to buy all the specifications for production and sales, which is a complete piracy.
General standard products=branded parts
Channel: regular manufacturers → accessories market
This happens all the time when we do maintenance at the 4S store. Our oil and filter element are original. Then take a look at it. There is no original car logo at all. It is a product with no brand. This is because brand parts generally come from large companies specialized in producing auto parts, such as Bosch, Mann, Valeo, Haila, etc. Brand parts are not even inferior to the original factory in terms of manufacturing process and quality, but are not supplied to the manufacturer! For example, which original manufacturer will use EBC brake pads?
Different parts for maintenance of different parts
First of all, the way Tyco gives the car owners is limited to those who have the ability to distinguish the quality of parts. If you don't understand at all or have an insurance company to pay for it, it is recommended that you go to the 4S store or a large repair shop. But if you pay for the repair by yourself, I suggest you take a closer look at the following contents.
Circuit equipment of the whole vehicle
It is strongly recommended to use original parts or disassembled parts for live parts, which are sold in Auto Parts City. Generally speaking, if an original part is sold for 1000 yuan at the 4S store, the price of auto parts will be about 500 yuan, and the price of auto parts will be in the range of 200-300, so I will give priority to buy auto parts at the auto parts store, followed by the original parts.
It should be noted that the disassembled parts of the fire car and the water car must not be used. As for how to distinguish it, Brother Tai couldn't say clearly for a moment, so I will skip it today.
Exterior parts
It is cheaper to use the accessory parts or the disassembled parts. Although the materials of the accessory parts may not be as good as those of the original factory, the differences in appearance and shape are often small, and the loading does not affect the use, nor does it affect the safety of the car, so it is natural to be cheap. It is better to use a large brand sub-factory or replace the car. The original factory is too expensive and unnecessary.